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Mindplex docs

Mindplex Network Decentralizing Media

Mindplex Network has been designed to solve the systemic problems that are plaguing the media right now. It does this by planting the seeds of a decentralized, democratic, and creative chaos in the infosphere to feed the minds that are building the Singularity.

Digital media under centralized control comes with four major problems:

  1. Filtering is biased and favors impulse over quality. Today’s media platforms prioritize shallow content that drives “engagement” over high-quality content. Relevant filtering may be overly narrow, resulting in undesirable phenomena such as “filter bubbles” and suffocating connectedness and creativity.
  2. Big Tech interests that control attention have an outsized influence over commerce and government. We are increasingly living in an attention economy, in which people’s choices of what to pay attention to drive both commerce and government, in an environment where voices scream for attention.
  3. The majority of content creators are poorly compensated, with Big Tech receiving the majority of the reward, which diminishes the depth and quality of the content they can produce.
  4. Surveillance. Many centralized media platforms, such as YouTube, generate revenue by creating user profiles to target advertisements. The most profitable AI companies (Google and Facebook) are in the targeted advertising business. This creates a detrimental incentive for platforms to extract as much user data as possible. This incentive has been dubbed the ‘extraction imperative’ by Shoshana Zuboff; those in control of the platform do whatever it takes to ensure the platform extracts as much data as possible from its users, because doing so generates profit. Social media is being used by competing parties to manipulate elections. Influence operations flourish in a context of filter bubbles and superficial content, which has repercussions for civil society. Harvard expert on internet law Jonathan Zittrain stated that companies like Facebook that control the filters have the ability to secretly sway elections. This calls into question the legitimacy of the democratic process.

Mindplex puts the filters in the hands of the community, specifically those people who have shown they are able and willing to help make the network a better place. We make money from premium subscribers, so it’s important for our business to build a platform that people want to use instead of one that just takes their data. Content creators who make the best content also get paid for it. We will now go over each of these design options in depth.

A Merit-based Filtering System

With blockchain and AI, Mindplex frees the filters from the control of Big Tech and gives them to the users. AI helps with filtering and tagging, while blockchain is great at making decentralized hives of people who are motivated to work together toward a common goal without a central control system.

The content-filtering functionality of Mindplex is founded on an earned reputation framework. Through the MPXR mechanism, which is explained in the “Mindplex Token Logic” section below, platform users who contribute more to the platform are rewarded with more power over the platform. The ability to rank content is given to users who have actively engaged in making the platform better. This keeps bad actors from flooding the platform with meaningless upvotes and lets users who have worked to make the platform better rank content.

Community members with a higher reputation have a greater influence on the platform. The weight of their MPXR tokens increases their ability to upvote and downvote content, allowing their favorite creators to earn more money. MPXR tokens also allow them to make Content Requests on the Mindplex Content Factory, allowing them to actively participate in the media creation process.

For high-throughput content curation, you need to use AI tools, like a spam filter that works like an email or a tool that helps human moderators tag content. Mindplex evolved from SingularityNET, which is home to a world-class artificial intelligence team that uses its expertise to improve the media experience in a variety of ways, including content-savvy filtering.

As the site’s content and community expand, the AI gains access to more data and improves itself and the site. These artificial intelligence media technologies are licensed to third parties, generating revenue to fuel the ecosystem.

Mindplex Content Factory

In practical terms, the sequence of events on the Mindplex Content Factory is this:

  1. A requestor makes a post describing the media item they would like to see. They can optionally offer a bounty/reward of MPX tokens. To claim the reward, a content creator must create content that meets the description, and have it approved.
  2. The request can include a list of members with high MPXR balances who will be allowed to approve an article as successfully fulfilling the request. If none are named, the editorial team will do the approving.
  3. The requestor can add other parameters for quality assurance like: minimum MPXR points for content creators, licensing options, content submission deadline, request expiry date, and maximum number of submissions.

The content factory allows creators to earn money from their work and serves as a matchmaking tool between consumers and creators.