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Mindplex as a Global Reputation Calculator for Content and Content Creators

The emergence of post-generative AI media businesses undoubtedly presents numerous opportunities for innovation and content creation. However, it also brings about significant risks related to content quality, credibility, and partiality. As AI-driven tools become increasingly sophisticated, it becomes easier for malicious actors to produce deceptive and misleading content. Deepfakes, for instance, can create hyper-realistic videos or audio clips, making it challenging for audiences to discern truth from fiction. This raises concerns about the erosion of trust in media sources, as viewers may struggle to differentiate between authentic and manipulated content. With automated content generation, there is a risk of sacrificing journalistic rigor and fact-checking processes, compromising the accuracy and reliability of news stories.

Moreover, the ease of generating vast amounts of content can lead to a flood of information, overwhelming audiences and diluting the quality of content and content creators. Recommending content will be super tough and often arbitrary which makes the content distribution business a nut job.

As AI systems are programmed based on data, there is also the risk of inherent bias being perpetuated through the content they produce. If the underlying datasets contain biases or partiality, AI-generated media can unintentionally amplify and reinforce existing prejudices, further polarizing society and undermining the media’s role as an impartial and objective information source.

It is crucial for post-generative AI media businesses to implement robust verification processes, invest in transparency, and prioritize content quality and credibility to mitigate these risks and maintain public trust in the age of AI-powered, social-media-pumped journalism.

Mindplex presents a groundbreaking decentralized reputation system that aims to establish itself as a key player in the domain of reputation measurement and analysis. In three progressive phases, Mindplex will provide users with meaningful and easily comprehensible reputation data breakdowns. These breakdowns will empower them to make informed decisions and fine-tune their recommendation system, reflecting the merits of quality, credibility, and impartiality. Thus, Mindplex aims to fulfill the promises of an impartial matchmaking for content, content creators, and content consumers, ensuring a more reliable, transparent, and trustworthy user experience.

Phase One involves the integration of AI and Blockchain technologies to efficiently calculate and record reputation data for content creators and content within a decentralized and transparent framework.

  • How can we calculate reputation based on users’ willingly shared current and past content without tracking their identities and private information? Mindplex has a solution! In the true spirit of Web3, Mindplex will utilize audience feedback, which we call “interactions”. The focus will be solely on the user’s behavior, rather than private and personal data.
  • Interactions on Mindplex represent various behaviors, and our AI system will analyze these actions to determine the motive and nature behind the interaction. For example, we will assess the nature (quality) of interactions by evaluating the behavior of the user, such as whether users engage with content after reading it, in the middle of it, or before reading it. We will also consider the motive of the interactions: whether these are genuine or simply done to collect points.
  • Our reputation AI will figure out biases like conformity, association, and cognitive bias by understanding the user’s behavior during their interaction with content. The AI system will include many parameters, which will be shared with the community for transparency and better understanding. In addition, at this stage, the reputation system will create an account for users using their wallet and record their reputation score on-chain to be represented by a sole-bound-like token.

In Phase Two, Mindplex will develop a powerful yet user-friendly tool that can seamlessly collect content, and content creator’s data, and then share the calculated reputation breakdown from various existing content sharing platforms. This tool will be instrumental in integrating reputation data breakdown and sharing mechanisms in an easily accessible manner.

  • The Mindplex reputation system will evolve into a web extension tool that any user can add to their preferred web browsers. By using these extension tools, users will give the reputation system access to the content they are reading. In return, the extension tool will provide them with Mindplex’s reputation assessment, including factual errors in the content, logical fallacies, and the content creators’ ulterior motives (if any). Users will also receive other related data, such as the number of read hours for the content and feedback and sentiment from different types of users (novice, intermediate, expert). The reputation breakdown will be detailed including data related to Engagement and Traffic, Sentiment and Reception,Quality and Reliability etc. The reputation data will be transparent and easily understandable: for example we see 20K Likes on websites today but what does it mean? How many of these likes are from trustable users, how many are the result of conformity bias, how many are from experts etc is what the Mindplex reputation system will bring to light.
  • During this stage, millions of users will contribute feedback to various contents, accelerating the decentralization process. Additionally, the experimental implementation of recommendation systems based on content merit will allow users to easily filter through the flood of content on the internet and discover more suitable and credible sources.

Moving on to Phase Three, Mindplex will record all reputation-related data on-chain and introduce several reputation-related tokens, further enhancing the robustness and value of the reputation system. With these three phases, Mindplex aims to revolutionize reputation measurement and establish itself as a pioneer in this dynamic industry.

  • In this stage, Mindplex will forge partnerships with major blockchain networks and enter its final phase, where the reputation system will securely record all types of interactions (comments, replies, likes/dislikes, content sharing, and more) directly on the blockchain. Additionally, this phase will introduce various other reputation-related tokens to enhance the ecosystem.
  • While reputation will never be treated as a tradable commodity within Mindplex (the primary reputation token, MPXR, will always remain non-transferable and cannot be delegated or involved in any crypto transactions), we will begin to reward users who contribute valuable data to measure content and content creators’ reputation with liquid tokens. As an illustration, when a user achieves “Tier One” status, known as a “Trustable User,” by amassing 1500 MPXR tokens through merit, they will be rewarded with one liquid token. This token can be freely sold on the crypto market as a symbol of achievement or utilized as a utility token to unlock additional services within the ecosystem.

Some critics and early adopters might confuse our reputation system and its future milestones with the Chinese point system. The Mindplex reputation system is fundamentally different from the ‘Chinese point system’ in its approach and goals. Unlike the Chinese point system or any similar systems, Mindplex does not target individuals’ identities! Our reputation system ensures complete privacy, transparency, and safeguards against discrimination and abuse. Our reputation system is designed to solely focus on the quality of users’ interactions and feedback, without the use of cookies or similar tracking tools. We track users via their anonymous wallet now and forever! We believe in the freedom of speech and will never block or delete users from sharing their content.

At Mindplex, our main objective is to empower the audience by providing valuable information on content quality, credibility, and partiality. This information benefits both the audience and content creators, enabling them to improve their thinking based on rational, unbiased, transparent, and decentralized reputation data. Our system is not about controlling or monitoring individuals; instead, it fosters a supportive environment for meaningful and constructive interactions.

In summary, Mindplex is committed to ensuring a reputation system that respects privacy, encourages freedom of speech, and promotes the dissemination of reliable and valuable content in a decentralized and fair manner.